Monday, March 4, 2013

Rare Star Glasses + The Myth Behind Certain Animal Only Parties

It's Rare Item Monday, yet again, in Jamaa, and the new rare out today is the Rare Star Glasses, non-member.
What do you think of this item? Or what about the fact that I can't afford it? :D
*UPDATE* There is a new code: AJHQ3000, which will give you 500 gems. Why not "AJHQ500" instead? Or we get 3,000 gems? **crosses fingers**
I apologize if you are wanting other things on this blog, and I keep talking about my plushie mission, which is off to an excellent start!
If you want to see the plushies I have collected so far, visit the all-new "Plushies" page!
I received five donations yesterday, from two different Jammers. I would like to give a huge thanks to Lexie1234, and to Rockyjammer10, who donated to this cause. Thank you very much!!

That is the donation section of my den.

I got this idea from Snowyclaw, but here are the different clothing items you can get for your pet arctic wolf pup.

Here are the special items you can get from the Pets Only Party.

Here is a story I composed for your entertainment, about why we have "Certain Animals Only" parties.

Long ago, Liza decided that the animals needed to loosen up a little, and go to parties more often. So she created parties. The other Alphas thought this was a very wise move, and congratulated her for it. The animals were now much friendlier to each other, and payed much more respect to the Alphas, because they were having fun at the right time and place. But soon, the Alphas noticed that since the animals were seeing more of each other at the parties, they gradually became more and more alike, until no one was unique anymore. Everyone wore the same items, had the same animal, and was the same colors. It was impossible to distinguish anyone anymore. The Alphas pleaded to Liza to help fix this problem, because the animals were beginning to ignore the Alphas and the power they had over Jamaa. Liza thought and thought for 14 days, and then the solution came to her.
She added a new party, much to the dismay and confusion of the other Alphas, who thought that the parties were beginning to corrupt the animals. However, this was no ordinary party. Only certain animals would be allowed in, and they could buy only certain things. This was called the Wolves Only Party, and since everyone was a wolf, the animals treated it like a normal party. However, soon, Liza created another party like this one, and about half of the animals went to that one. Eventually, the animals began to see that it was better to be unique, and that it didn't matter whether they had rare items or not, or what animal they were, but that their character and personality were a positive influence over other animals.

Ya' like?

Happy Jamming!


Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.