Thursday, March 7, 2013

Clover Table + Tubes + Plushies + Contest (not mine)

Okay....I feel really stupid (this is not a whole "Pity me" thing). Why? I said the item yesterday was at the Lucky Party. It wasn't.

So, I will post both items today. And, of course, the item IS at the Lucky Party today.

Today's new item is the Clover Table, a returning rare.

A great addition to your own Lucky Party! That is, if you host one. Will you? Should I?

The item yesterday (sigh...) is the Clover Tubes, perfect for your underwater Lucky Party.

I am pleased to say that the Plushie Mission is going very, very well. The donators we have so far are:

  • foreversaramo1926
  • Vinyonga (I am guessing a storage account of Kinyonga, or an imposter.)
  • Lonelycore
  • Lexie1234
  • Rockyjammer10
They have donated a combined 12 plushies! I know that may not sound like much, but every plushie helps!

Let's give a big round of applause to these Jammers! If you see them, give them thanks!

And speaking of plushies...
I got a Phantom Plushie! You get them by playing the den version of the Claw that was a member gift a long time ago. Sadly, these cool plushies are member, but they are great collectibles!

I don't know about all of you, but I am entering Kinyonga's photo contest. So, I thought I would share my entries with you! Prepare to be bored by my pics.
If you still want me to send them, just ask.





(I don't know if that is what Kinyonga was looking for, but I think it's funny. Maybe because he is my cat. I don't know.)

For all of you haters/doubters out there, yes, I took these.

Do you like them?

Happy Jamming!


Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.