Friday, January 25, 2013

W.T.F.: Not a normal post

Before you get the wrong idea, I would like to say two things: one, this is not a normal item post, two, DON'T get the wrong idea about the title post. All will be explained soon.

So, before you start thinking that I use bad words (which I don't), this is what W.T.F. stands for: When They Fall. If you are confused, here is a short, weird rhyming scheme poem.

When They Fall
By Misty (my writing name)

When you fall, 
do you have a friend?
Who will help you up,
and set you on your feet again?

When you fall, 
do you ever feel alone?
No one to help you,
Are you left all on your own?

When they fall,
all of them need your help.
When they fall,
they need you for support.

So, when you see someone fall,
try to stand them up again.
Don't leave them on the floor,
try to be their friend.

Because when you fall,
you can be sure,
that you will have a friend,
to help you off the floor.

If you still don't understand, let me explain. I know a lot of these kinds of cases have died down, but I was thinking about them. How one person makes another person feel so bad that they quit blogging. Or, even, every day. People quit because they don't have time, or they lost interest. Even though they didn't fall onto the floor, you should still help them up again. Just ask if you can do anything to help. It will make their day. 

The whole point of this post is so that don't sit by and watch people fall (not literally). Try and help them stand up again. Even if it seems like a small thing to do, even just a few words can help people stand up again. I have seen many blogs where the person said they were quitting. Many people protested, and they came back. This is what I am talking about. 

Please, if you see someone fall, just take a couple of minutes out of your day, and help them stand up again. 

Happy Jamming!


  1. I thought you meant they were down in the dumps at first XD

  2. The title scared me XD u should change dat O.O


Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.