Saturday, January 26, 2013

Football + Rare Top Hat+Another Scam Story?

Today's Rare Hat is what many Jammers have been waiting for. The return of the Rare Top Hat!

Picture taken from Snowyclaw's blog.

Wow! Many Jammers have been waiting for it. Many Jammers have scammed for it. Before, no Top Hat was safe. But now, the Rare Top Hat has returned!

There is a new non-member den item out. It is the Football!

What does JFL stand for? Jamaa Football League? Anyway, just in time for the Super Bowl! It's brother den items, I guess, are the Basketball and the Soccer Ball.

Feature Scam: "Try On"

The feature scam for today is, what I call, the "Try On" scam. Here is an example of it.
So, somebody buddied me and asked if we could go to my den. So, when we were there, they traded for my Freedom Cape a couple of times, but I declined. Then....
Star cap=Freedom Cape


This is probably one of the most stupid scams ever. How can you "try something on?" I mean, we were both non-members, so we couldn't send the item back and forth. Besides, if I had already declined a bunch of their trades, why would they try it on to see how it looks if they knew I wasn't going to trade it?

You may be wondering why they did those two things at the beginning. Well, my guess is they buddied me to gain my trust. I mean, you would do anything for your buddies, right? They also went to my den so that there would be no witnesses for this scam. But, since the scam never worked, they didn't debuddy me. If it had, they would have ran out of there, debuddied me, and logged off. Here is a useful tip. If you see someone saying something that looks like a scam to you or anyone else, write down their username before you respond or act. Most people think if they just run away, you wouldn't have had time to click on their player cards to report them. 

Here is another really stupid scam I saw that I have never seen before:
Um...does anyone know what "mailbox time" is? I mean, really....who would waste their time just sending someone items to get them back? Even though you probably wouldn't....

Happy Jamming!

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Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.