Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rare Jester Hat and Elephant Shoji Screen

A Rare hat has returned to the the Mt. Shiveer Hat Shop. It is the Rare Jester Hat!
And, it is pink! Would somebody be ever so kind as to answer this question: Can you change the color of rare items? Thanks! I don't know, because I'm not a member. I'm kind of surprised at the price. Usually, the rares' prices are multiplied by 3. But this is about the normal price! Weird, huh?

Also, in Jam Mart Furniture, the Elephant Shoji Screen has returned!
Many Jammers are complaining about not bringing back the flat Shoji Screen. However, these are sold at the Dinner Party Shop.
There is also an item with a "New" sign on it; I don't know how long it's been out, but it is deep in the Jam Mart Clothing shop.
The Lion Hat, I suppose, corresponds with the Freedom Lion Hat being sold.

I was at a Bunnies Only Party today. Many people know that if you dance around the fire in the Sarepia Forest, you summon Mira. Well, if you hop on the drum at the Bunnies Only party, then you summon Peck, the bunny shaman!
First, the drum will light up. If you get enough people, then the windows will light up, and you can see Peck. Right now, just his statues have emerged.

Have you ever summoned a shaman? Please talk about it in the comments below!

Happy Jamming!

Aha! You may want to know how I did yesterday. Or not. That's fine too....

Well, our team placed first at the team competition. Yay! And, in the individual testing competition, I took the Language Arts test, and I got......1st! Yay! I am happy, because it is the first time I have ever placed at this competition.


  1. O.O SOLD AT THE DINNER PARTY?! *sigh* I never knew!! DX
    And no, you can't ALWAYS change the colour of the rare. It depends :p and that one is a "normal" price because it was sold in the leap year that price :p

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.