Monday, January 14, 2013

Rare Cozy Shoes + Hater Advice

Today is a Monday, and you know what that means. Rare items! The Rare item out today is the Rare Cozy Shoes.
Hmm. What do you think about the colors? Or, at least, the colors compared to the original shoes?
Both are sold in the Shiveer Shop.

Advice from Jamaa 1: How to avoid haters

So, you are sort of new to blogging, and you are rapidly gaining popularity, but you really don't want to have any haters. Follow this advice, and you should be hater-free, unless people just don't like you. I can't imagine why, but, anyway:
  • Don't accuse people of being scammers, unless you have absolute proof in screenshots. That gets people mad, and poof! You have a hater. If you have proof, they can't deny it.
  • Don't accuse FAMOUS people of being scammers, e.g. Feelers, Kinyonga, Snowyclaw, GreatShot, etc. Even if you have proof, these people have a lot of followers, so that is a surefire way to get more than one hater at once, not to mention the person you accused. 
  • If you see a hater battle going on, don't get involved. By taking one side, you could get people to not like you because of what you say. 
  • Don't share the "mean" problems you are having, e.g. banning someone. Don't make a whole post like "OMG I am banning ________ she is so mean!" You have probably just offended any fan of the person you accused, and gained a couple of enemies. 
  • This is the biggest one DON'T accuse people of being "mean" just for some small reason. I read on a blog how the blogger was banning someone because the someone didn't accept their buddy request. Really? 
I hope that advice is helpful to you Bloggers out there!

Happy Jamming!


  1. "Don't accuse FAMOUS people of being scammers, e.g. Feelers, Kinyonga, Snowyclaw, GreatShot, etc." O.O ME? XD

    1. Well, you are famous to me. XP
      And, I've seen a lot of people accuse you of being a scammer (I don't believe any of that mound of moldy potatoes).

  2. I was just as surprised as both of you! (jk--don't be hatin' me!) And she forgot ME!! (maybe that's bc I never play aj!)


    1. Oops! Sorry!!!!!! **offers peace Reese Cup**

    2. i found a cool glitch im very new to glitches so I was at the horse only party as a dolphin! cool huh?



Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.