Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tablet Computer and Plaques

Hi Jammers! It finally appears that 2012 technology is coming to Jamaa, whether that's good or not. The Tablet Computer is here!
vms915 fun fact of the day: My favorite color is lime green. 

I really like the colors! Now, it's 900 gems. You may be wondering how big it is. Well....
It's about to scale size. What next? A Smartphone that is a clothing item? Or even a 3-D TV?

Now, you may have been to a friends den, and seen a wooden plaque with gold on it. You may be thinking, how do I get one of those? Well, here is some more information on them.
This is the plaque you get if your art is featured in Jamaa Central or on the Daily Explorer.
This is the plaque you get for sending AJHQ fan mail. Not emails.
This is the plaque you get for winning a contest.
This is the plaque you get if you have a howl featured in Jamaa Central.
There are two other plaques. One you get if you ask Brady Barr or Thierney Thys, and they answer it. The other one is one you get if you win the News Crew article contest.

Do you have any plaques? If so, which ones?

Happy Jamming!

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Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.