Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Giant Candy Cane

 The daily Jamaaliday gift is 800 gems! More gems!!!!

The new den Jamaaliday item today is the Giant Candy Cane from last year. This really is big! I put some in my den, to add to the Jamaaliday feel.

There is a Daily Explorer post about the Epic Den of the Week, belonging to Lucky Spookypirate!

I attended a fashion show this morning, and I reported on it. Here are some of the pics from it!

This was m95187 performing. 

This was fff212 performing. kklolppl was hosting the fashion show in her den. 

Here we are, waiting for results. Some other people turned up to listen, too. 

And the winner is.....

 fff212!!! Congrats! You have won a Bronze Brick from Epic Wonders!

Now, here are all of the contestants and the hostess.

I am going to try and report (good report, not report to AJHQ) on some of these den-events. Until then, Happy Jamaaliday Jamming!

1 comment:

  1. I TOTALLY WANT THAT CANDY CANE...8 it's SOOOOOO GIANT... makes me want to eat tacos, again... GO PANDAS WOOT WOOT


Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.