Saturday, February 9, 2013

Heart Lockets....Yay!

Today's love/heart/thing themed item is the one we have all been waiting for. Not me. Anyways, the new item is....
The Heart Locket!
Finally! Now that these are out, people won't go all crazy over them and lose their heads and annoying stuff like that.

I apologize for the short post on items, but I would like to inform you about something.
If you want to know the one place in Animal Jam to avoid, it is this:

Reasons why:
  • Aldan is probably the most popular server, so it is hard to get into a room. 
  • Crystal Sands (usually only on Aldan) is probably the most popular place.

Why, you may ask. Two words. Northernking and Northernqueen. (wait; that was three. Oops.)

Their latest "throne" is the dock in Crystal Sands. They are pretty well-known. Why?

Well, my theory is this: They have been playing Animal Jam for a long time, and managed to get their hands on a lot of rare items. They wore them and sat in the same place. They got famous.

Actually, I am pretty sure that Northernking and Northernqueen are owned by the same person, or maybe two people that know each other.

There is a lot of argument over these two Jammers. Some people think they are rude, some people treat them like celebrities. Personally, I think they are a bit strange, a bit annoying.


Actually, it's the followers of them who are the ones to watch out for. 

Well, to summarize all that stuff, STAY AWAY FROM ALDAN CRYSTAL SANDS!

Happy Jamming!


  1. Yeah, I know... If I go there, they're always hanging around on the bride. DX

  2. i think they may soon scam...


Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.