Sunday, February 3, 2013

Heart Balloon + When Fairies Attack (vol. 2)

Today's newest item in Jam Mart Furniture is the Heart Balloon, which, I believe, is returning from last year.
How cute!

Here is the thing you have all been waiting for! The second volume of The Adventures of Clevercat, The Trolling Tiger! However, we have a slight dilemma. Clevercat is on vacation!
So, I hired my lesser-known avatar, Cleverninja, to fill Clevercat's shoes. I think Cleverninja has a disease or something, but she thinks she is a fairy. Oh-no!

Ok....they don't look very happy, do they?

Yes...that would be a catastrophe.



Do you like fairies? I do!
Last but not least....

Happy Jamming!

1 comment:

Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.