Friday, February 15, 2013

Cherry Tree + Issue #3: The Magic Potion

Today's new item, not really related to love, friendship, or any of that, is the Cherry Tree, sold in Jam Mart Furniture. 

Let's go cherry picking! Just kidding....
What if they came out with a basket of cherries? That would be cool...

Here are some more pictures from the Paradise Party (if you haven't been able to go yet) for your enjoyment/amusement/whatever!

If you complete the journey book page for Birds of Paradise, you get this awesome prize:

And, if you place it in your den and click it:
It's kind of hard to see, but it expands like feathers! How awesome!

And (I know it has been a long time since one came out), here is the third issue of The Adventures of Clevercat, the Trolling Tiger!

Today's episode: The magic potion

Happy Trolling! Er, I mean, Happy Jamming!

1 comment:

Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.