Sunday, May 19, 2013


Hey Jammers!

My membership expired yesterday. I got an email notifying me of this...but that is not why I am posting this :)

In the email, there was a head image. It looked like this:

Notice anything odd about Sir Gilbert?

I noticed two odd things:
His eyes are glowing in a freaky way.
He has some sort of shimmering-haze thing around his paws.

Remind you of anything?

Yep! It looks like Sir Gilbert has some sort of "Spirit Power" going on!

And, now that I mentioned it, so do....

Notice all of the swirly blue stuff on those pictures?

Now, I have a theory on this. Feel free to share it!

Long ago, there were the first animals in Jamaa. Zios, as a gift to these first animals, gave them pieces of his power. These animals became the Alphas. The power that Zios had given them was a mysterious thing called Spirit. Each of the alphas could do extraordinary things because of Spirit. They used Spirit to create Jamaa and because of the alphas having Spirit, the animals flocked to Jamaa to live.
The animals live happily in Jamaa. Several of the Alphas had gone on journeys to find new lands. Several animals had become Alphas by the original Alphas sharing Spirit with them. 
Cosmo returned from a journey one day with bad news. The phantoms were planning an attack upon Jamaa. The alphas knew they had to give the citizens of Jamaa some protection. To the best fighters, they gave a special kind of armor. It was embedded with Spirit, and would protect them from the despair caused. 

Spirit can be described as a swirling, blue substance that invokes happy thoughts and good feeling.

What do you think of that little story?

Now, I know that some (most) of the facts are completely off and wrong, not the least of which is that Cosmo returned before Spirit Armor was released.
But I wanted to write my own legend based off of my own facts, not the facts that are already set down.

Happy Jamming!

1 comment:

  1. It said when elephants came that one of the alphas found this seal(not the animal) so elephants could live in jamaa which means its magic it could be some of the seal powers plus snowyclaw said she saw a seal (the animal) on one of the spirit items.


Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.