Sunday, June 23, 2013


If you saw yesterday's post, you will know that I changed the Clevercat comic names: I removed the word "trolling."

Well, speaking of trolling...

I was at my two cousins' house yesterday. Me and the younger cousin (one year older than me) were playing the Game of Life on an iPad, while the older cousin ate lunch. We played a couple of games, and I figured something out: If you carefully drag the wheel so that the pointer thingy is on a certain number, and let go, it will spin onto the number before it.

We got my older cousin to play, and she was extremely confused by us always landing on the spaces that gave us thousands of dollars, let us sue her (only on the App), and allowed us to play Spin to Win (also only on the App). After a while, she figured out how to do the trick, which made the game last another 30 minutes, because we would only move 1-3 spaces at a time to get the most possible money. I ended up winning with over 4 million dollars! :3 much fun....



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Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.