Saturday, July 13, 2013

Super Annoying Things on Animal Jam #1: Begging

Hey Jammers! This is going to be a sort of rant about an annoying thing in Animal Jam: Begging.

Begging gets on my last nerve.

There are a couple of different forms:

Friend-begging: A buddy you met on AJ and never really talked to noticed you had something on your trade, refuses to make a fair trade for it when you offer one, and asks if you send it to them.
(that was based off of what just happened to me)

Item begging: People saying "send me unwanted items!!!" Seriously? 

Gem begging: People can say "send me unwanted items!!!" for two reasons: they want the item, or they want gems that come from recycled items. To those people, let me tell you something: you can get about the same number of gems (and possibly a rare item) playing Sky High or Best Dressed for a few minutes than by begging.

Here are some pics of begging:

(this one can also be considered a scam, but is sometimes [not usually] true.)

Here is a begging story:
I was in my den. Kinyonga came to my den, and we were chatting about who knows what, when a guy appears. I won't say his user. He went up to Kinyonga, and asked her "Can I have your tan carpet? It's my dream item!" (I think it was a tan carpet)
Kinyonga said no (Which is completely understandable....I've said no to people begging for things worth a whole lot less than a tan carpet :3), and that was that.
Note about story: Begging doesn't always have to be "Pretty pretty please?" It can just be someone unreasonably asking you for an item.


That wasn't really an informational post, just something you could possibly relate to. :P



  1. XD
    Yep, it was the tan :p
    And I've told him GAZILLIONS of times that my tans are NFT X3

    1. Sigh...people are like "What for your bow?" and I say nothing, but they keep asking...


      It's probably a lot worse with a Tan Carpet, though. :3

  2. Well, I've done "send unwanted items" before because I wanted new items. I don't call it begging because they're not like: "plz plz plz snd me ur stuff or ill rprt u!!!1!"

    I agree though. Begging is ANNOYING. :|

    1. True! That makes sense.

      I don't mind people saying "send me stuffz" if, if they are doing it for gems, they are willing to also go and play games for gems, as well as recycling items. When they are too lazy to go play one round of Best Dressed so they can buy the RIM, that's when I get irritated.


Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.