Monday, February 18, 2013

Rare Firefighter Hat + A Little Lecture on...Rares

Today is Monday! Unless you are halfway around the world, or something like that. So, that means that there is a Rare in one of the shops! And, today's Rare is....
The Rare Firefighter Hat!
Woo-hoo. Confetti and fireworks. Not the best Rare AJHQ has come up with.

Speaking of Rares, it is time for today's lecture!
**everyone groans**

Here are a couple of mini-lessons people **cough cough** should learn:

1) Having rares does not make you a better person. Hint hint. A person who owns nothing but stops a scammer is worth 10 times more than a person who owns "Beta this, beta that, Rare this, Rare that."
2) Just because you own rares does not mean you are a better trader, or that people SHOULD trade you. to Admiral. Nobody should trade you JUST because you have Rares.
3) Rares hurt people. Not literally (well, maybe the Rare Bow and Arrows). They hurt people emotionally. People who don't have rares can feel left out, especially in, you know, the place. Crystal Sands, Aldan. Where you have people going "Man, people have asked me like 50 times today to trade for my spike!" and "TRADE MEH I HAVE BETAS!". That's only slightly insensitive. Then, you have people who are just there, and they are like, :o~!

I will post some more of these mini-lessons soon!

Sorry for the late post, but I thought I had posted, and I hadn't. Oops. I have a terrible short-term memory.

Happy Jamming!


  1. Could you answer my questions in the comments on your last post?

    1. Ohh you did! Thanks (: *clueless*


Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.