Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lasso + Lesser-Known Rares

'ello there! The new item today, which looks to be a part of a kind of "Western" theme, is the Lasso!
It moves up in the air when wearing it, like you are really swinging it.

Do you like this new "Western" theme that AJHQ is coming out with? Do you think another "big change" is coming? New land? New animal? Well, the raccoon IS coming. 

There are many items around Jamaa that have the "Rare" tag on them. However, those are not the only Rare items. Many items Jammers overlook because they have no tag on them, or Jammers don't go "TRADE MEH A _________!!!! I REALLY WANT ONE!!!" Here are some of the items that are considered rare. Do you have any of these?

Those are just a few items. I'd have to say the most well-known "lesser-known rare" collector is WootMoo. Is he really a scammer? I don't know.

Happy Jamming!


  1. My friend Mia776 gave me that pot of gems for my birthday last year, so I do have the pot of gems. c:
    I've wanted the open sign for since soooo long...forgot to get it in beta -_-

    1. I have an open sign! what would you offer for it?


Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.