Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Quick Check...

Does anyone out there have a Wattpad account? I just made one recently! :D


  1. Uhh.. I don't. What is it?

    1. It's a website where you can share your writing with others and get comments and reviews. :)

  2. I may join...but are under 13s allowed? I joined a 13-plus website before by saying I was older than I was and I...learnt..my...lesson...

    1. Well, they say that you have to be 13 to join, but I think that's only because people post stories that are...well, you know. :S

      But, people rate their stories (G, PG, PG-13, and R), so I stay away from the R stories, and many PG-13 stories are over-rated (they are probably a PG), but there is no openly-inappropriate stuff, meaning that you won't log in and the first thing you see is a discussion board on, well, not-good stuff.

      But, it's not a website where you can't be under a certain age because the whole premise of the website is questionable content, so...

      So yes, you do have to be 13 (I think that it is just a general precaution, to help stop too-young people from reading inappropriate stories and being scarred), but it is a great website for letting others read your work and getting positive feedback/critiquing. :)


Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.