Monday, March 25, 2013

Parties and Stamps

Hey Jammers! Vms915 here, with the latest addition to the new AJ Guide for Beginners! Today's newest information is on parties and stamps. I hope you find it useful!

Animal Jam parties are a way of opening up different places for Jammers. A different party occurs roughly every thirty minutes. To check on the current and upcoming parties, click on the Party icon on the icon bar at the top of your screen.

There is a special Pets Only Party, for members who own pets. They can buy special clothes for their pets there.

There are "_____ Animal Only" parties, where you have to be a certain animal to enter. There are five different "_____ Animal Only" parties:

There are also regular parties, which all Jammers can attend. These are:

There is a special Atlantis Party, for underwater animals.

And, last but not least, there are special seasonal parties that come on at certain times of the year.
This time of year is the Lucky Party.
All parties sell special items, some of which you can only find at that party. Make sure you head to all of the parties, and pick up the cool items there today!

Well, if I post about parties, then I kinda have to post about stamps, because they go hand in hand. Stamps are found only at parties (except for creatable ones). Every stamp has a location. You click a certain spot, and a certain item will appear by your animal.


There are many of these stamps around the parties of Jamaa. Can you find them all?

There are also stamps around Jamaa that YOU, the Jammer, create. The "machines" for making these are found all around Jamaa: in the theater, in the Hot Cocoa Hut, and more. How are you going to customize your stamp?

Last but not least, there are stamps you get from playing multiplayer games, like Best Dressed and Falling Phantoms. These are usually given for coming in first place a certain number of times.
*credit to Jammie263*
However, all stamps eventually disappear from next to your animal.

Happy Jamming!


  1. That's really helpful too! xD I probably sound redundant :P Ah well. Have you ever just sat by the Mira statue in Jamaa and just watched how many new jammers there are? This is super useful, but most new jammers probably won't find this! Dx I hate how older jammers (jammers that have played for awhile, not like OLD old jammers) treat newer jammers badly :/ I'll end my rant now (:

    1. Thank you! I don't mind redundancy. I don't mind redundancy.

      I agree with your last statement...anybody that only wears an Old Hood and a Star Cape (stereotypical new Jammer clothing), they never take seriously for parties and things.

      I got the idea to do this guide because my mom's coworker's son came over to her house, and he was new to Animal Jam, so I showed him all of the cool stuff, and this idea popped into my head. ^.^


Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.