Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Marshmallow Chair and Candy Cane Lights

Today's daily gift is pretty cool. It is the Marshmallow Chair!

This would go perfectly if you have a Gingerbread Den. All of these candy gifts!

Today's daily item is the.....Candy Cane Lights? Hang on a minute.....

Why are they selling the daily gift? That ruins the whole point of "daily." Now you can get it anytime! Oh, well. 
The Daily Explorer post today is about Toys, which you can win from playing the Phantom Invasion game. You can even win Phantom toys from playing the special den-version of the game! I have one, but it is not for trade. 

Today's special feature is Mysteries of Jamaa. This is from the Sol Arcade.

What could be hiding under that cover blanket? Is is a model of the Solar System? Or possibly a new game for Jammers to play? What do you think?

Happy Jamaaliday Jamming!

1 comment:

Be nice.


Avada Kedavara.

'Nuff said.